[pinit] “Put me in front of 100 adults, and I’m fine. Put me in front of a dozen toddlers, and I’m terrified!” That was my post on Facebook the morning before heading off to teach my first preschool Bible study for the fall. If I waited until I felt confident and secure before I did […]
How do you see God work in your everyday?
[pinit] Many thanks to Amy Sullivan for inviting me to participate in the World Book Blog Tour. Be sure to check out Amy’s writing and her upcoming book here. Her book on generous living releases in September! I’m certain you will love her! What am I working on? Since Isn’t it Time for a Coffee […]
Know your limits (& a few updates)
I’m not very good at knowing my limits. I say yes to things, and most often it’s not other people putting things on my list. It’s me. Yes, I will clean the fridge today, and make something special for the last day of school, and write a blog post, and mop the floors, and go […]
You don’t have to be good at everything
[pinit] In kindergarten, I knew math would never be my thing. Mid-year we took a math quiz, and the teacher pinned the quizzes of all those who got 100% on the bulletin board. She handed my quiz back saying, “If you want to correct the problems you missed, I’ll pin yours on the board too.” […]
3 Tips for Reaching Your “Impossible” Goal
Congratulations to Leigh F. & Cheri S. for winning the Chicken Soup for the Soul: Multitasking Mom’s Survival Guide books! Please send me your addresses and I will drop those in the mail! I just registered for my third full marathon. I never, ever, ever would have imagined I would run one marathon, let alone […]
Chicken Soup for the Soul Giveaway
[pinit] Moms are some of the greatest people on the planet. They are also the queens of multi-tasking. Stirring dinner on the stove while bouncing a baby on the hip and answering 5 trillion questions from a toddler. Navigating traffic while fishing for a pacifier in the bottom of the purse and answering another 5 […]