Last Friday, I had the wonderful opportunity to share at the Jot Writers Conference on the topic of “Making time to write.” The principles I shared apply to anything really. Make time to date your spouse. Make time to learn a new craft. Make time to _________ fill in your own blank. I had the […]
4 Reasons you should join us at Jot this Friday
This Friday, I will be speaking at Jot, a free writers conference held at Baker Book House in Grand Rapids, Michigan from 7-11 p.m. If you don’t live in West Michigan, you can still join us via livestream at this link here! This is one of my favorite events, with some of my favorite […]
Spy of Richmond {giveaway}
This is a week for celebrating! Congratulations to Cherise C. for winning the Pray A to Z cards and stand! Today, I’m excited to tell you about my author friend Jocelyn Green, and offer you a copy of her latest novel Spy of Richmond. I have to confess, I love, love, love historical fiction. Green […]
7 Ways to Add Silence to Your Day
We’re craving rest and quiet. At least, that’s what I gather from my own life and the comments I received after writing about 4 Ways to Experience Rest. Yet craving rest, and actually finding ways to experience it are two different things. Silence is especially challenging. Right now, close your eyes and listen. What sounds […]
Everyone Starts Like This
We took the kids ice skating for the first time this week. Despite my childhood visions of being the next Olympic skating champion, I’ve now been on ice skates a total of 3 times. We laced up our rented skates and hobbled to the outdoor rink. The sun was exceptionally bright for January. Some skaters […]
Breathe 2014
The Pray A to Z series will continue on Thursday. Are you caught up? If not, click here for all the posts. I look forward to two events all year long – my birthday and the Breathe Christian Writers Conference. When my friend Susie Finkbeiner and I first attended the Breathe Conference four years ago, […]