The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Genesis 2:15, NIV Further Reading: Genesis 2:8-25 I love spending time in my garden. Every day, I take a walk through the rows of plants, inspecting, watering, pulling a few weeds, and […]
4th parade buckets
No matter what happens today or tomorrow, I still love my country. I’m looking forward to a great holiday! I remember going to my hometown’s parades and collecting a t-shirt full of candy. One year during high school, my clown troupe from church entered the parade. We ran up and down the streets playing gags […]
Wonder Bubbles
If you haven’t entered the drawing yet for a copy of Cecil Murphey’s book Unleash the Writer Within, do so here! Nothing draws a crowd of neighbor kids like a giant tub of bubbles. Well, with the exception of juggling fire, but that’s a story for another day. I grew up in a family filled […]
Thankful Tuesday: Last week of school
Today, I’m thankful for: Three days of school left. Two days of football camp. Two class picnics. Two amazing teachers One awesome bus driver One massive field trip to the zoo (well…maybe). One big bottle of ibuprofen. And finally on Friday, a big day at the beach with friends. Summer is almost here!! I don’t […]
Growing Story-lovers
If you haven’t done so already, remember to enter the drawing to win a copy of “Do These Jeans Make Me Look Fat? Breaking the Cultural Mirror.” I recently read about a woman who said that upon taking a course in ancient Greek she discovered that the word logos, most often translated into English as […]
Zucchini/Squash Parmigiana
*There’s still time to enter the drawing for Carol Kent’s Between a Rock and a Grace Place! Kedron loves, loves, loves eggplant parmigiana. Unfortunately, my 4 eggplant plants (is that how you write that?!) failed this year. I have giant plants, but no fruit. Bummer. However, I have tons (almost literally) of zucchini and squash. […]