Have you ever been nervous about a new situation or opportunity? Even though your head knows it will work out, you can’t seem to stop your stomach from practicing boy scout knots? Little Miss, who loves school so much that she even prayed for more math homework, has been dreading going back to school. Every […]
He Loves Me (and a give away)
Do you have friends that you feel as though you’ve known your whole life, even though you may have met just recently? That’s how I felt when I met Cindy Bultema last summer at the Speak UpConference. She facilitated one of my critique sessions, and I asked her where she went to church. It turned […]
Shared Blessings
*You still have time to enter the give away for a copy of “Do These Jeans Make Me Look Fat? Breaking the Cultural Mirror.” Enter on this post! It’s the week for give aways! I’m over at Circle of Friends today talking about some books I recently picked up that I love, and Circle of […]
Blessed & Loved & a giveaway
The other day the doorbell rang and I saw a package on the porch with my name on it from DaySpring. I can’t even tell you how much I love packages and cards that come in the mail with that flower-y DaySpring logo. Especially on dreary winter days where nothing seems to be going as […]
Speak Up for Hope – with crayons!
I’m always looking for ways my kids can feel like they are a part of our family’s giving. I recently saw on Facebook that Speak Up for Hope is collecting crayons and coloring books for the visitation areas in prisons. Speak Up for Hope is a ministry started by Carol and Gene Kent with the […]