I jumped out of bed at the first sound of my name at 3 a.m. I rushed through the hallway toward my four-year-old boy’s bedroom when I suddenly found myself lying on the floor gripping a throbbing shin. Someone had left a large wooden stool in the hallway, and I had tripped over it badly […]
Where were you for Blizzard 2011?
Yesterday made me question our judgment of leaving Florida. Just a bit. It took my husband a couple hours to dig us out of the 18 inches of snow on our driveway. It was a good day to be a mom. I kept the water going on the stove refilling mugs of hot chocolate and […]
Honest Truth
If you ever want to know the honest truth about something, ask a 4-6 year old. I got my hair cut and colored last week for my birthday. The stylist also showed me how to make this curly, frizzy mop on top sleek, shiny and smooth. Of course, when I attempt to straighten my hair […]
Beat the Blahs – Day 3
Look through old pictures The other day my husband was surfing through our photos on Flickr. He kept emailing me links to pictures from when the kids were babies. Soon, I was surfing through the pictures on my own. I found a string of pictures I took on my cell phone when T-Rex first learned […]
Beat the Blahs – Day 1
No matter where you live, this time of year can be rather blah. The excitement of the holidays are over, visiting family have returned home, and everyone has returned to the routine of work and school, anticipating spring break. After my post about waiting for spring, I had conversations here and on Facebook about surviving […]
Tickle Fest
One recent evening, Little Miss was sitting on my lap and we were having a tickle fest. She’s never been one to sit and cuddle; even as a baby she was always on the go, constantly wiggling and moving. So tickling has been our method of “cuddling.” I paused in the tickle fest and began […]