Sometimes we need to take a recess from our own life in order to fully appreciate what we have. Little Miss Sunshine and T-Rex spent the past week with my Mom and Dad in Ohio. They’ve gone to Grandma and Grandpa’s by themselves before, but never for a whole week. It’s the longest we’ve been […]
Raising a generation of courage
It has been an incredible week! I’ve been attending Speak Up with Confidence with Carol Kent and her team. What an amazing group of facilitators and participants, and my heart is so full! Catapult Magazine just featured an article I wrote about accepting the challenges of parenting in a post 9/11 world. You can read […]
Libraries and Great Grandparents!
Little Miss is learning to tell time, and she loves to announce what time it is when she gets up. Except, she only can tell the hour time so far. So this morning she announced, “I slept in until almost 10 o’clock!” Now that, is a great way to start a summer morning! 89 days […]
89 days of summer
Summer has new meaning this year. 89 days. 89 days of (hopefully) warm weather (you never know here in Michigan!) 89 days before both kids are in school. 89 days of fun, fun, fun. 89 days of keeping kids out of each other’s hair…and mine. My summer writing will be focused elsewhere (when I have […]
The power of reading
Little Miss Sunshine has become quite the reader over the past year. I’m not surprised, yet it’s still been amazing to watch as a parent. I found this post from a couple years ago and it reminded me a) somethings never change – she still reads to T-Rex, and he still hangs on her every […]
Ooops Jesus is still there!
I was looking through my blog archives looking for material for an upcoming conference I’m attending, and I came across some good old posts, that made me laugh so hard I have to re-post. This is one of my favorite T-Rex stories from April 2010. Ah…enjoy again! —- The older my kids get, the more […]