[pinit] Mornings have never been easy for me. I’ve tried everything in the book. I’ve put the alarm clock across the room, set a stereo to start blasting a happy tune, had a friend call or text me, and even gone to bed earlier. Nothing convinces my brain to wake up on the spot. I […]
2014: Ordinary Matters
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your families and are enjoying the new year. I’ve vacuumed up pine needles and packed away all the Christmas decor. Now it’s time to settle in for a long winter’s nap. Er…well, maybe not. I always find January to be an emotionally challenging month. In West […]
When cancer comes to dinner
[pinit] A few weeks ago, we heard the words you never want to hear. You have cancer. Kedron was diagnosed with pappilary thyroid cancer. Thankfully, this is a treatable form of cancer. The doctor looked him in the eyes and said, “We fully expect to cure you.” But it still is cancer. It still changes […]
Beauty from Ordinary
[pinit] There’s a 16 x 20 foot patch of dirt in my backyard that will never win any awards for beauty. It’s ordinary. Rather ugly even. Yet, every year from this plain, ordinary, brown patch of dirt– beauty grows. Not just beauty in the form of plants and blooms – but food that sustains us. […]