No matter what happens today or tomorrow, I still love my country. I’m looking forward to a great holiday! I remember going to my hometown’s parades and collecting a t-shirt full of candy. One year during high school, my clown troupe from church entered the parade. We ran up and down the streets playing gags […]
Wonder Bubbles
If you haven’t entered the drawing yet for a copy of Cecil Murphey’s book Unleash the Writer Within, do so here! Nothing draws a crowd of neighbor kids like a giant tub of bubbles. Well, with the exception of juggling fire, but that’s a story for another day. I grew up in a family filled […]
Growing Story-lovers
If you haven’t done so already, remember to enter the drawing to win a copy of “Do These Jeans Make Me Look Fat? Breaking the Cultural Mirror.” I recently read about a woman who said that upon taking a course in ancient Greek she discovered that the word logos, most often translated into English as […]
Staying Steady: Housework
I never struggled with housework until I had kids. As someone once told me, “It’s not that I mind doing housework. I just mind doing it over, and over, and over, and over….” Housework is one of the most challenging jobs for me because the sense of completion lasts for such a short length of […]
Asking for help
I’d much rather give help than ask for it. I suppose it’s part pride, part not wanting to be a burden or a bother. Yesterday morning I had a mini-meltdown. I was overwhelmed with my book project, laundry, dishes, and a five-year-old who does not go to school everyday and especially misses his sister on […]
Unlikely Motherhood
I confess, I was never the girl who dreamed about having babies. I didn’t have names picked out when I was a twelve, nor did I imagine a day I’d have a houseful of kids. I wasn’t around many babies in my childhood, and I didn’t babysit much in adolescence. The rare times I did […]