[pinit] It’s been eleven years since I’ve drawn a regular paycheck. I didn’t realize when I walked out of the university in September of 2003 that it would be the last time I contributed to the family finances. Fifteen years ago, I was the primary breadwinner for our household. It wasn’t a high salary; but […]
Be U-Neek! {and a giveaway!}
It’s not easy being a kid these days. It’s not easy raising kids these days! So, I’m always happy to find and share with you organizations and companies who are creating ways to help parents raise children who embrace their faith and live confidently in how God created them. It’s even better can I can […]
Limping to the finish line
[pinit] [tweetherder]Starting things is easy. Finishing sometimes takes everything you’ve got.[/tweetherder] This month, the challenge is to finish the school marathon. We’re at mile 18 – far enough in the race that people are telling you “You’re almost there.” You know the finish line is close, yet you have so far to go. Everything hurts. […]
Ten things to keep in your car for summer adventures
[pinit] For Mother’s Day, Kedron gave me the best gift. He took care of all three meals: planning, prep, execution, and cleanup. A whole day off from food, other than eating! Woot! Part of his plan included a picnic lunch at a nearby park after church. He packed everything so we could go straight from […]
Chicken Soup for the Soul Giveaway
[pinit] Moms are some of the greatest people on the planet. They are also the queens of multi-tasking. Stirring dinner on the stove while bouncing a baby on the hip and answering 5 trillion questions from a toddler. Navigating traffic while fishing for a pacifier in the bottom of the purse and answering another 5 […]
3 powerful promises for times of chaos
[pinit] Ever had one of those weeks where you can’t finish a thought, a task, or a cup of coffee without getting interrupted by yet another crisis or task? Yeah. It’s been one of those weeks. My husband was out of state most of the week for work. 7 year-old son, T-Rex, fractured his arm […]