Happy Monday! The sun was shining here, which is a beautiful (and not very ordinary) thing. I wanted to share with you a quick update on my husband Kedron. So many of you have been praying for him over the past few months as he went through surgery for thyroid cancer. He had his follow-up […]
Love Your Ordinary
For the month of February, I invite you to join me in an adventure. Let’s look for ways to love our ordinary – not just love our ordinary tasks and routines, but look for ways to love God and love others through the ordinary parts of our days. It’s a lesson I’ve been learning since […]
A Morning Manifesto
[pinit] Mornings have never been easy for me. I’ve tried everything in the book. I’ve put the alarm clock across the room, set a stereo to start blasting a happy tune, had a friend call or text me, and even gone to bed earlier. Nothing convinces my brain to wake up on the spot. I […]
3 powerful promises for times of chaos
[pinit] Ever had one of those weeks where you can’t finish a thought, a task, or a cup of coffee without getting interrupted by yet another crisis or task? Yeah. It’s been one of those weeks. My husband was out of state most of the week for work. 7 year-old son, T-Rex, fractured his arm […]
2014: Ordinary Matters
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your families and are enjoying the new year. I’ve vacuumed up pine needles and packed away all the Christmas decor. Now it’s time to settle in for a long winter’s nap. Er…well, maybe not. I always find January to be an emotionally challenging month. In West […]
Adoration over Obligation
[pinit] I woke up under a blanket of dread the other morning. Less than two weeks until Christmas, and visions of all I needed to do yet danced in my head. Cookies to bake for T-Rex’s class exchange. Presents to find for the great grandparents. A scarf to knit that Little Miss has been asking […]