Every Memorial Day weekend, I pull out this story that my Grandma wrote to me in a letter while I was in college. I was taking a story telling class and had written my grandparents asking them to send me family stories. This one is a gem, and serves as a reminder that Memorial Day […]
Lessons from the library
I have a pretty good memory, especially when it comes to names and facts about people. I love stories, and each person has a story, and God has apparently given me a brain that is as sticky as fly tape when it comes to remembering people and their stories. Once I’ve met you, you’re never […]
Lessons from the playground
It was a gorgeous day sunny day here today, so the kids and I took advantage of the sun and met up with friends at the playground down the street. I’ve noticed lately that I’m friendlier and more conversational with other adults when my kids aren’t around. In fact, when I spent the weekend alone […]