coffee break
25 days
Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? Doing life together in an all-about-me kind of world releases in just 25 days! Feel free to save, share, pin and post this photo!
Doing Life Together – Cindy J.
Today’s guest post is from my friend Cindy Johnston. Cindy is mom to two amazing boys and has been married 16 years to her husband, Bob. When she isn’t working at Ada Bible Church in communications, she is a blogger at, contributing writer for Circle of Friends Ministries, published author at the Burnside Writer’s Collective, […]
Help wanted: Coffee Break Brigade
Today is November 1. And do you know what that means? In exactly two months Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? Doing life together in an all-about-me kind of world releases! I’m just a little bit excited. Ok, really excited! It was also a year ago that I went for a long run, came […]
Got Goals?
I’ve often heard this Zig Ziglar quote at business and leadership conferences: Aim for nothing and you will hit it every time. I’ve never been much of a goal setter, which is amazing considering I am an incredibly task-oriented person. I’m the kind of person who makes a list that includes things I’ve already done just […]
What I learned about writing at Breathe
Ever had one of those moments where you wonder why in the world you thought you could do something? Fear, doubt, and discouragement fill your head with lies and you’re tempted to walk out the door and never look back? A year ago, that’s how I felt about writing. I’d been blogging and submitting things […]