[pinit] The voice on the other end of the phone was asking for advice. Do I or don’t I go to that writers conference? I heard the passion, the desire, the dream in her tone. So many stories unspoken, so much to say. She was asking for advice, but what I knew she needed was […]
Creating new habits – Video blog
Summer break has officially begun! This is a great time of year to start new habits and talk about radishes. I mean really, isn’t that a gorgeous radish in the video? Who knew radishes could be so ravishing? The radish analogy came as I was working on a series of garden essays. If you haven’t […]
It’s time for a coffee break – avoiding the summer B’s (vlog)
Today, I’m hosting my first ever virtual coffee break! So grab something to drink and let’s chat about how to avoid the sting of the summer “B’s,” not to be confused with “bees.” Join the conversation in the comments below after you watch the video. I’d love to know how you avoid the sting of […]
Simple steps to host your own coffee break group
It’s been such a joy to hear stories from women across the country about how they are sharing Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? with their friends. I’m incredibly humbled and forever grateful that you all are sharing this message with others. Some of these groups are meeting to discuss the book in coffee […]
All things new
I woke up to birds chirping this morning and the sun shining. Those are big deals around here, considering last week we had rain, snow and hail all on one day. I dug in the dirt in my garden this weekend. Even planted a few seeds. I’m reminded that the seasons do eventually change, and […]
Why you should speak up!
Two years ago, I showed up for Carol Kent’s Speak Up Conference with knots in my stomach, weak knees, and a bag stuffed with printed-out talks bleeding with hand-scribbled revisions. I hadn’t done any formal speaking for years unless you count the rehearsed lines of, “Pick up your dirty clothes. Hang up your towel. Please […]