Congratulations to Rachel W and Rachel H for winning the giveaways from Monday! It’s been so fun celebrating my half birthday and the half birthday of my book Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? with you this week, that I think I’ll do it again in six months! Oh wait, that would be my […]
Happy Half Birthday Week Celebration & Give away!
I just realized that July is half birthday month, not only for me, but also for my book! Six months ago this special little book, Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break?, made its debut into the big-wide world. It’s a scary thing to spend months laboring over something, putting your heart and soul and […]
A Plan for Simple Summer Hospitality
[pinit] I love to have people over to our house. I am a terrible hostess, and I always forget something important. I also prefer not to spend the entire time in the kitchen or cleaning up. I am, however, all about the eating and laughing. Sometimes at the same time. Which is interesting. But at […]
Speak Up Conference: Letting God connect the dots
[pinit] Have you ever felt the chasm of where you are and where you want to be/know you should be/feel God has called you to be? Maybe it’s in an area of personal or spiritual growth. Maybe it’s in your career. Maybe it’s in your marriage, parenting, friendships. Or possibly it’s a call to write, […]
Behind the Scenes: “Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break?”
[pinit] Yesterday, my friends Jen, Kristi and I ran this fabulous trail race here in my small town. I wrote about this race in my book Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? Doing life together in an all-about-me-kind of world. As we were running some of these same crazy hills, I asked Jen to […]
Authentic Friendships & Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood giveaway!
Last Thursday through Saturday I attended the Speak Up Conference. I’ll have to tell you more about it at a later date, because right now when I try to form coherent thoughts, my mushy brain can only say things like asdflkjhi234dlkjg. Exactly. Mush. However, I have a treat for you today! One of the fun […]