I love a good story, especially when it’s a true story. So a book full of true, inspiring, even tear-provoking stories? I’m so there. If you love inspiring, true stories too, be sure to leave a comment on the bottom of this post to enter the drawing for the new book I Like Giving: The […]
You don’t have to be good at everything
[pinit] In kindergarten, I knew math would never be my thing. Mid-year we took a math quiz, and the teacher pinned the quizzes of all those who got 100% on the bulletin board. She handed my quiz back saying, “If you want to correct the problems you missed, I’ll pin yours on the board too.” […]
Soul Keeping {a review}
[pinit] What is your soul? How do you take care of your soul? Seasoned author and pastor, John Ortberg, answers these questions and more in his latest book, Soul Keeping: Caring For the Most Important Part of You. Combining pieces of his own story with exhortations from his friend and mentor, Dallas Willard, and clear […]
Chicken Soup for the Soul Giveaway
[pinit] Moms are some of the greatest people on the planet. They are also the queens of multi-tasking. Stirring dinner on the stove while bouncing a baby on the hip and answering 5 trillion questions from a toddler. Navigating traffic while fishing for a pacifier in the bottom of the purse and answering another 5 […]
Love Your Ordinary: Mercy
Just a reminder that today is the last day to enter the giveaway for a copy of Carol Kent’s new book Unquenchable. Hop over to this post to enter. Today I’m honored to share a guest post from my friend and author, Susie Finkbeiner. She shares today about the ordinary, yet beautiful ways we can […]
Unquenchable {give away!}
[pinit] I’m so excited to share with you Unquenchable: Grow a Wildfire Faith that Will Endure Anything, a new book just released by Carol Kent. Be sure to enter the give away for a copy of this great book at the bottom of this post! I first met Carol several years ago when I attended […]