Write a letter Growing up, I had no less than six penpals at a time. My parents attended a yearly Christian conference each summer, and I amassed friends all over the country. We’d dutifully exchange addresses and write letters to stay in touch until the next conference. I still keep in touch with one of […]
Wake up with Morning Snuggles
I’m very excited to share with you that I have an article posted on catapultmagazine.com This is the first time ever that I’ve had an article published! I met the great folks from Culture is not Optional at the Festival of Faith and Writing a few weeks ago. They publish Catapult Magazine online every other […]
Book Winner!
T-Rex drew the name for the winner of the book Picking Dandelions by Sarah Cunningham, and the winner is Heather! I’ll be sending you an email! Thanks to all of you for participating. Pick up the book if you’re able – here it is on Amazon
Picking Dandelions – Book give away!
Last week at the Festival of Faith & Writing, I had the pleasure of meeting Sarah Cunningham whose spiritual memoir Picking Dandelions:The search for Eden among life’s weeds was recently published by Zondervan. I had stumbled across Sarah’s blog a month ago and left a comment. We exchanged a couple e-mails, and I have her […]
Humility, humility, humility
I just attended the Festival of Faith & Writing at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan last week. It was AMAZING. I’m still processing everything, and I think it will take me 2 years to let it all sink in. Eugene Peterson (the gentleman who wrote the Message Paraphrase) gave some fantastic talks. His spirit […]
The business of handwriting
I’ve received two hand-written notes in the past week that surprised me. The first came from the tech at my new dentist’s office. She wrote about how nice it was to meet me and how great my smile was and that she hopes the building of our home continues to go smoothly. I also got […]