I’d much rather give help than ask for it. I suppose it’s part pride, part not wanting to be a burden or a bother. Yesterday morning I had a mini-meltdown. I was overwhelmed with my book project, laundry, dishes, and a five-year-old who does not go to school everyday and especially misses his sister on […]
On writing and solitaire
It seems like everyone is talking about New Year’s resolutions, or goals, or determinations, or whatever it is you want to call them. Deadlines. I call mine deadlines. Yes, because if you don’t finish them you might end up dead. Ok, not really, but in my less sane moments (and I do have a lot […]
Simple as Sliced Swiss
Thank you all so much for your kind words of support and encouragement after my post yesterday. Although writers can turn into hermits while working on a project, no author ever truly writes in a vacuum. I believe it’s the community of family and friends pouring into my life that helps keep my writing real […]
Big News and Big Prayer Request
I remember sitting in the center of my pink bedroom in junior high, thinking that someday I would write a book. It was an odd thought to me, but I felt a deep impression that it was something I should do. Although I have always loved words and stories for as long as I can […]
I’ve had a difficult time admitting out loud that I’m a writer. When people ask about my writing I’ll make statements like: “I like to write.” “I do a little writing on the side.” “I have a blog and I regularly contribute to a couple other web sites.” All of those statements are true. But […]
STOP the bullying
We were sitting at a high school football game a few weeks ago when Kedron stood up and walked over to the fence behind the bleachers. He yelled at a group of middle school boys, “BREAK IT UP!! NOW!!!” The group looked at him shocked, and then looked around as if asking, “Who? Us?” Four […]