Tuesday morning I was clearing the table when I felt my neck muscles begin to tense and cramp and seize up. Next thing I knew, I was on my knees moaning, “NO!! no, no, no!!!” The kids came rushing out to see what was the matter. When I told them I had a neck cramp, […]
Loving Lentils
I’ve been getting in the soup mood lately. It’s been a bit chilly here in Florida. In fact, while we were in Michigan a few weeks ago, Little Miss Sunshine started insisting, “I WANT TO GO BACK TO FLORIDA WHERE IT’S WARMER!!” When we arrived back in Florida, we had some 55 degree days and […]
Back online…
I’m sorry everyone (this is The Narrator) for breaking the site. Everything should be back up and running now. Happy stalking… I mean… happy blogging!
Long time
It’s been a long time, my friends. We just returned home today from a week long visit with family and friends in Michigan, preceded by a week long visit with my parents here. I am completely filled up. My empty tank has been filled to overflowing and I am ready to hit the ground running. […]
What a summer it was
I just sat down to write, all excited and inspired to start bloging again. And the moment passed as quickly as it came! Rats. I’m still recovering my brain from the summer. August was back to back to back to back family fun. My sister-in-law and her two kids were here for a week of […]
Silence is golden
I was re-capping the past couple weeks in my head last night when I realized it’s been times of high contrast. I’ve been to a wedding and a funeral. I had a two-day getaway with The Narrator, then he went to D.C. for three days for work. I got up super early, by choice, to […]