Little Miss Sunshine got a bit of money from a couple of her Great Grandmas for her birthday. It was the first time she received money and understood it was “hers” and she could get (almost) whatever she wanted. So I asked her after she had the money for a day if she had decided […]
DIY Saturday
Around our home, Saturday is DIY day. Whether it’s a bathroom remodel, hemming pants, cleaning up a yard, or making cards, Saturday’s are a buzz around here. Even the kids get involved. T-Rex loves to brag that he “helped” Daddy fix the hole in the shower. So Saturdays I’ll start sharing some of our DIY […]
Day 2
January 2. Day 2 of the South Beach Diet. Five years ago, before kids, we did Atkins to drop those excess college pounds, and I lost about 25 extra lbs. The Narrator picked up the South Beach book earlier this week and eagerly agreed to do it with me. Really, he doesn’t need to lose […]
Christmas Went
Is Christmas over already? Is it really almost 2009? What a year this has been! I’ve started this post a few times, but it’s been rather busy-fun around here! We’re in the midst of hosting family friends and are having a blast – Sea World Sunday, zoo today, and maybe Busch Gardens tomorrow if Little […]
Christmas is a coming…
And more than the goose is getting fat! Pardon my lack of posting. I’ve been behind my sewing machine every spare moment for the past month. I’ve made 90% of my gifts this year. 90% as in – I bought a couple books for the kids and t-shirts to go with the pajama pants I […]
Pretty Pinecones
A few months ago, I came home and discovered big, beautiful pinecones scattered throughout the landscaping on our front lawn. Since we have no pine trees in our yard, I figured The Narrator must have picked them up somewhere. I went inside and complimented his landscaping addition. His reply confirmed yet one more reason as […]