I heard the key turn in the front door at lunchtime yesterday, and I quickly scanned the room for something to inflict pain on whoever was trying to get in since Ked is the only other person with a key and I wasn’t expecting him. Fortunately, no weapons of mass pain could be found since […]
Honest Truth
If you ever want to know the honest truth about something, ask a 4-6 year old. I got my hair cut and colored last week for my birthday. The stylist also showed me how to make this curly, frizzy mop on top sleek, shiny and smooth. Of course, when I attempt to straighten my hair […]
Spinning and breathless
In my attempt to make these long winter months as fun as possible, I’ve taken the kids sledding twice this past week. The first trip out was to a good friend’s house. T-Rex had a minor mishap with a tree, but quickly got back on the horse – er sled, although he’s still rightfully concerned […]
The guide to little brothers
I have a little brother whom I love dearly. I am also married to a little brother and I’m parenting a little brother. As I’ve been raising a little brother over the past four years, I’ve come to understand my own brother and my husband a little bit better. I’ve also come to realize that […]
Knocked Over!
A reference to the movie Despicable Me, an untimely meeting with a large wooden beam, and the realization I need to listen. All in one great fall!
mini me
She’s turning into me. With a vengeance. With a double portion. At an earlier age. I’m scared. For me. Scene 1 – yesterday, leaving for Bible study. I’m wearing jeans, a long sweater, and ballet flats with no socks. Little Miss looks at me and says, “Just so you know, Mom, your feet are going […]