It’s been such a long time since I’ve posted that I’ve got to get some of this conversational cuteness out. I’ll ease back into blogging 🙂 ———- Little Miss Sunshine has been “making” breakfast lately. She pulls the milk and cereal out and puts them on the table, and then comes and tells me that […]
That's the way it is!
I totally meant for THIS to be the week that I finally got back into blogging every day. But then on Monday, I decided that THIS was going to be the week to potty train T-Rex. Last week we were at the park when he kept telling me “I have to go potty, I have […]
Jesus Speak
Even though I grew up in church, my children’s love for Jesus has taken me by surprise. Maybe I didn’t expect them to understand until they were a little older. Maybe I just underestimated the power of Jesus’ love. But there is definitely something about Him that speaks to very young children. Never underestimate how […]
I’m waiting for The Narrator to return from Walgreens with my antibiotic and nasal spray. I started to feel yucky Thursday evening and by this morning felt like I’d been hit by a truck. I’ve had enough sinus infections to be able to feel the difference between an infection and a regular cold. As the […]
Things that go bump in the night, part 2
One night last week as I was sewing again, I heard another REALLY LOUD BUMP that shook the house. It sounded like something had landed on the roof. A herd of cats? Not unheard of in this neighborhood. An alien spaceship? Maybe not such a far out idea. This time, fortunately, the Narrator was home […]
March went zinging by in a whirl of wedding-dress-making and craft-show-creating. Two more new things in 2008. And now I’m working on a third – talking at a break out session for a one day mini-conference. It’s been a loooong time since I’ve talked in front of people. Now I feel like I’ve got to […]