One recent evening, Little Miss was sitting on my lap and we were having a tickle fest. She’s never been one to sit and cuddle; even as a baby she was always on the go, constantly wiggling and moving. So tickling has been our method of “cuddling.” I paused in the tickle fest and began […]
Blueberries this way
I’m kind of addicted to picking blueberries. And eating them. I’ve gone blueberry picking 3 times this month. I never knew what I was missing! My second blueberry picking trip was with my Mom and Little Miss Sunshine. Unlike our first picking trip, the day was clear and sunny and gorgeous. The blueberries had plumped […]
Politics according to a 5-year-old
We were gathering opinions for where we should go to dinner tonight when this conversation erupted in the backseat: T-Rex: Chick-fil-a! (his response every time we ask him where he wants to eat) Little Miss: There aren’t any Chick-fil-a’s in Michigan remember? T-Rex: Chick-fil-a! Little Miss: We don’t have Chick-fil-a in Michigan because the governor […]
What?? A blog post????
Wonders never cease! So, I’m thinking about blogging again, especially, since all our Florida friends said that they would be checking here for updates! Ay. What a few weeks it has been. It seems like it has been sooo much longer, but when I look at a calendar, it reminds me that we only put […]
Kid Quips
I had an imaginary friend named Jennifer when I was younger. In fact, I talked about Jennifer so much that my Mom had a dream about her once. I vividly remember the day I went to the moon and Jennifer filled in at me at the dinner table so that my parents wouldn’t worry about […]
Virtual Entertainment
I don’t know why we didn’t think of this sooner, but now that we’re about ready to move closer to our families, we’ve started video chatting. Seriously, you don’t need t.v. when you can watch the kids video chat with their grandparents. Both of our Dads are magicians and jugglers. In fact, our kids think […]