The Narrator tried to get me to run with him after we first got married. He tried again a few years later while we both worked at the University. I should have listened. But no, I waited until we have two kids and schedules are complicated to decide to run. When I started running a […]
The Narrator
Lentil Love
My kids are pretty good eaters. At my husband’s request, we don’t eat a lot of meat. In fact, he’d be perfectly fine if I never served meat ever again. My kids are good sports and they try most everything, and we eat some stuff that would be considered quite odd in normal households. Last […]
Conversational Cuteness
It’s been such a long time since I’ve posted that I’ve got to get some of this conversational cuteness out. I’ll ease back into blogging 🙂 ———- Little Miss Sunshine has been “making” breakfast lately. She pulls the milk and cereal out and puts them on the table, and then comes and tells me that […]
Today is The Narrator’s 31st birthday. Eleven years ago, we said “I do” a few weeks before his 20th birthday. I adore this man with all my heart. We grew from childhood to adulthood together, and there’s no one else I’d rather be spending my life with and raising a family with. What’s rather interesting […]
Apparently that’s me. (Or so I was told.) How’s that for contrasting blog titles? Now that I have jolted your attention, on with the story. HA! The last weekend in June The Narrator and I celebrated our 11th anniversary by attending a co-worker’s wedding on Captiva Island. It was a beautiful day (albeit hot and […]
The bet has been called
In November of 2006, I lost a bet with my husband. Lesson learned: never make a bet with your husband especially when you’re under the influence of post-pregnancy hormones. The Narrator’s sister was living in town at the time and had met a wonderful man on e-harmony. We knew he was going to propose (because […]