One thing I’m learning in my few short years of motherhood is to trust my intuition, even when the “experts” say I’m wrong. When it comes to my kids – I’m the expert. Over the past couple years, Kedron and I have wondered if T-Rex’s hearing was 100%. We started to wonder when he was […]
This Little Life of Mine
Sometimes we need to take a recess from our own life in order to fully appreciate what we have. Little Miss Sunshine and T-Rex spent the past week with my Mom and Dad in Ohio. They’ve gone to Grandma and Grandpa’s by themselves before, but never for a whole week. It’s the longest we’ve been […]
Rain according to Shel Silverstein
My favorite childhood authors were L.M. Montgomery and Shel Silverstein. I remember in 3rd or 4th grade taking Where the Sidewalk Ends in for show and tell and having the teacher read a couple poems. Yes, I was a book nerd who took books in for show and tell! In fact, my Shel Silverstein books […]
The power of reading
Little Miss Sunshine has become quite the reader over the past year. I’m not surprised, yet it’s still been amazing to watch as a parent. I found this post from a couple years ago and it reminded me a) somethings never change – she still reads to T-Rex, and he still hangs on her every […]
Ooops Jesus is still there!
I was looking through my blog archives looking for material for an upcoming conference I’m attending, and I came across some good old posts, that made me laugh so hard I have to re-post. This is one of my favorite T-Rex stories from April 2010. Ah…enjoy again! —- The older my kids get, the more […]
Our family would appreciate your prayers today and the rest of this week. We got a phone call last night saying that Ked’s Grandpa was taken to the hospital for possibly having a stroke. His situation is very serious. I’m at a loss for words today and my emotions are a jumble. He’s the only […]