It seems to be so often when my kids open their mouths they show me the heart of God in an innocent, pure form that I am able to receive. Most recently, I think I’m seeing a new side of what Jesus meant when He said: “Let the little children come to me, and do […]
The power of books
I have always loved to read. In fact, when I was in the second grade, I had to get my first pair of glasses. The eye doctor told my mom that I should get outside more often. Apparently he thought I sat inside and read all day long, hence my poor eyesight so young. My […]
Break my heart
A funny to start off your Monday… Saturday night The Narrator was heading to Walmart for a quick errand. T-Rex wanted to go with him so badly. He was running around the house, “I come too!!! I come too!! I get my shoes!!!!!” I saw The Narrator try to hurry out the door, and I […]
Birthday (cake) rules
According to Little Miss Sunshine and T-Rex… 1. You must eat cake on your birthday. It does not matter if your party is the day after your birthday, you MUST eat cake the day you were born. 2. It is best if the cake is chocolate for a variety of reasons: a. chocolate is the […]
The end of babyhood
T-Rex turns two tomorrow. I know it’s just a number and that his babyhood ended long ago, but it feels so final to me. Even though he’s potty trained and has refused to sit in a high chair for six months and is talking in complete sentences and running and jumping and whining and doing […]
Conversational Cuteness
It’s been such a long time since I’ve posted that I’ve got to get some of this conversational cuteness out. I’ll ease back into blogging 🙂 ———- Little Miss Sunshine has been “making” breakfast lately. She pulls the milk and cereal out and puts them on the table, and then comes and tells me that […]