My most recent Florida trip truly is the trip that never ends. It just keeps giving and giving, long after it’s over. One day during our trip, Little Miss and T-Rex were playing and rolling around on the floor, when T-Rex rolled over on Little Miss’s left arm. She fussed and cried for a few […]
Kid Quips
I had an imaginary friend named Jennifer when I was younger. In fact, I talked about Jennifer so much that my Mom had a dream about her once. I vividly remember the day I went to the moon and Jennifer filled in at me at the dinner table so that my parents wouldn’t worry about […]
Virtual Entertainment
I don’t know why we didn’t think of this sooner, but now that we’re about ready to move closer to our families, we’ve started video chatting. Seriously, you don’t need t.v. when you can watch the kids video chat with their grandparents. Both of our Dads are magicians and jugglers. In fact, our kids think […]
The difference between boys and girls
A chuckle to start your day… Yesterday as we were getting out of the car to go into Bible study, Little Miss found a hair clip on the floor and put it in her hair. “Look at my hair now!!” I told her it was beautiful. T-Rex then took his hand and rubbed it on […]
Signs of the Times
Now it’s really official. This is what happens when Mommy is sick and trying to get a house ready to sell. Smart kids ask for chocolate pudding for a snack. Pudding is made from milk. Milk has calcium, therefore pudding has calcium! The box said so! (What you don’t see: pudding up to their elbows […]
Too funny not to share!
T-Rex got out of bed and came into our room one morning, and asked me where his favorite blankie was. I told him, “It’s probably still in your bed.” He looked at me and said, “Probly not. I checked.” T-Rex has been practicing saying his first and last name. One night at dinner he was […]