A couple days ago, I picked two zucchini from my garden that bore giant teeth-munch marks. The rodent had obviously returned. Greedy little monster apparently extended his buffet of green beans to include zucchini. Of course, this time the hubby was gone all week on a business trip. So I texted him a picture of […]
Are you taking care of your spiritual garden?
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Genesis 2:15, NIV Further Reading: Genesis 2:8-25 I love spending time in my garden. Every day, I take a walk through the rows of plants, inspecting, watering, pulling a few weeds, and […]
Wonder Bubbles
If you haven’t entered the drawing yet for a copy of Cecil Murphey’s book Unleash the Writer Within, do so here! Nothing draws a crowd of neighbor kids like a giant tub of bubbles. Well, with the exception of juggling fire, but that’s a story for another day. I grew up in a family filled […]
Thankful Tuesday: Last week of school
Today, I’m thankful for: Three days of school left. Two days of football camp. Two class picnics. Two amazing teachers One awesome bus driver One massive field trip to the zoo (well…maybe). One big bottle of ibuprofen. And finally on Friday, a big day at the beach with friends. Summer is almost here!! I don’t […]
Visiting Chicago (and tips for taking kids)
Congratulations to Joe M and Jen V for winning the give away for Andrea Palpant Dilley’s memoir Faith and Other Flat Tires, searching for God on the rough road of doubt. We got home from Chicago last night, A.K.A. our first vacation with the kids that didn’t involve visiting family or friends. Uh…yeah. The kids […]
Identifying the Imposters
After reaping the fruits of my garden labor in the form of radishes, I recently set out to thin and weed my row of carrots. I hadn’t gone very far down the row before I encountered a plant that looked like a carrot seedling. I leaned forward on my knees scrutinizing the plant, and was […]