There have been so many bloggers talking about spring cleaning this past month, and all the chatter has really given me the urge to clean and purge. But with two toddlers in tow, I quickly realized my visions of a clean AND organized house just weren’t going to happen. Instead, I have settled for accomplishing […]
Story Girl
Patience for Provision
Last year The Narrator and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. It passed without major fanfare. With a nursing baby and the fact that we moved 1200 miles from our families, getting away was a bit difficult. Add to that – at the time we were in the midst of snowballing our debt and building […]
I’m waiting for The Narrator to return from Walgreens with my antibiotic and nasal spray. I started to feel yucky Thursday evening and by this morning felt like I’d been hit by a truck. I’ve had enough sinus infections to be able to feel the difference between an infection and a regular cold. As the […]
Credit Card Girl
I’m sitting in a Panera Bread at the mall (insert fear and trepidation here). I’ve never been a mall gal. In fact, I really don’t like to shop. I prefer to know what I’m after, go in, buy it, and get out, and I always work off a list, whether mental or written. But tonight, […]
Things that go bump in the night, part 2
One night last week as I was sewing again, I heard another REALLY LOUD BUMP that shook the house. It sounded like something had landed on the roof. A herd of cats? Not unheard of in this neighborhood. An alien spaceship? Maybe not such a far out idea. This time, fortunately, the Narrator was home […]
New things in '08: Once a month cooking
Early January my sister-in-law called me while she and her husband were cooking meals for the entire month of January. My mother-in-law had given her an old copy of the book Once A Month Cooking. I had heard of the concept before, not only from my mother-in-law, but I’m quite sure I heard the author’s […]