She’s turning into me. With a vengeance. With a double portion. At an earlier age. I’m scared. For me. Scene 1 – yesterday, leaving for Bible study. I’m wearing jeans, a long sweater, and ballet flats with no socks. Little Miss looks at me and says, “Just so you know, Mom, your feet are going […]
Give me magic
I’m easing my way back into life post-marathon. I’m still working on putting that experience into words. I had no idea how much running a marathon would impact me. And I’m not talking about my knees. Until then, here’s some recent kid conversations that have me laughing. — On the way home from Bible study […]
First of many
Today….today was a day of a million memories worth preserving forever. When you hold your firstborn in your arms, so many emotions swarm inside you including love like you never knew existed. I had the privilege of spending the past five years day in and day out with one of the most amazing little girls […]
How to know if you're a Christian
There’s all kinds of pamphlets and information out there that evangelicals have created to help you know if you’re really a Christian. Those well-meaning pieces of paper printed in love point to verses throughout the Bible and if you’re in doubt, you can pray the sinners prayer and do the ABC thing one more time […]
Dreaming of Cheese
Million Dollar Moment #14 Of all the things that we look forward to as parents – first smile, first tooth, first steps, first words – there are so many things along the way that you never realize will be memorable milestones – like the first time they attach a real name to a toy, or […]
Road Trip
I made the 5 hour trip to my parents house this week with the kids. We pulled into the driveway a little earlier than my mom expected. She came outside and greeted us with, “Wow! You made good time!” It was at that point that I realized I had arrived at a new destination in […]