Little Miss Sunshine has become quite the reader over the past year. I’m not surprised, yet it’s still been amazing to watch as a parent. I found this post from a couple years ago and it reminded me a) somethings never change – she still reads to T-Rex, and he still hangs on her every […]
Ooops Jesus is still there!
I was looking through my blog archives looking for material for an upcoming conference I’m attending, and I came across some good old posts, that made me laugh so hard I have to re-post. This is one of my favorite T-Rex stories from April 2010. Ah…enjoy again! —- The older my kids get, the more […]
We all wander
We were in the garden section of a home improvement store discussing what type of cherry and apple trees might be best for our yard when Little Miss wandered away. We watched her as she skipped up and down the rows of flowers singing a song, being the star of the show in her head. […]
Charlie Sheen and Easter Breakfast
Charlie Sheen is the last topic of conversation I expected to come up over breakfast Easter morning. Yet, that’s exactly what happened. Ked and I were asking the kids questions about Jesus’ death and resurrection as we devoured Resurrection Rolls (which need to be eaten more than just Easter morning). In typical childhood fashion, the […]
Tornado warnings, babysitters, & finger foods
Today was a count-down-the-hours kind of day for good reasons. The kids were geeked to have a high school babysitter for the first time. I was excited to eat finger foods that weren’t chicken nuggets and french fries. Bacon wrapped chestnuts? Yes please! Ked and I met up downtown at the art museum for a […]
Strengthening their wings
It was easy to spot the first-timers in the crowd for kindergarten roundup last night. They fidgeted in their seats and leaned in close to their spouses whispering with anxious looks on their faces. A few had eyes rimmed with red. I understood their anxiety. I was the same last year. Kindergarten is that first […]