Vacation: : a respite or a time of respite from something Respite: an interval of rest or relief Kedron and I agreed that this was the first vacation we’d had in about 8 years. Oh, we have taken trips over the past years, but we always came home feeling like we needed a vacation […]
Who are you following?
My running partner Jen and I recently ran our first trail race. For ten miles, we hopped logs, jumped little streams, dodged rocks and climbed hills. It was the most strenuous and rewarding ten miles I have ever run. Three years ago, I never would have imagined that I could run a race like that […]
This Little Life of Mine
Sometimes we need to take a recess from our own life in order to fully appreciate what we have. Little Miss Sunshine and T-Rex spent the past week with my Mom and Dad in Ohio. They’ve gone to Grandma and Grandpa’s by themselves before, but never for a whole week. It’s the longest we’ve been […]
Libraries and Great Grandparents!
Little Miss is learning to tell time, and she loves to announce what time it is when she gets up. Except, she only can tell the hour time so far. So this morning she announced, “I slept in until almost 10 o’clock!” Now that, is a great way to start a summer morning! 89 days […]
89 days of summer
Summer has new meaning this year. 89 days. 89 days of (hopefully) warm weather (you never know here in Michigan!) 89 days before both kids are in school. 89 days of fun, fun, fun. 89 days of keeping kids out of each other’s hair…and mine. My summer writing will be focused elsewhere (when I have […]
Rain according to Shel Silverstein
My favorite childhood authors were L.M. Montgomery and Shel Silverstein. I remember in 3rd or 4th grade taking Where the Sidewalk Ends in for show and tell and having the teacher read a couple poems. Yes, I was a book nerd who took books in for show and tell! In fact, my Shel Silverstein books […]