I think I have a mini wordsmith on my hands. Little Miss has taken her vocabulary to new heights. I remember the days when I would revel at each new word and laugh at how she would mimic our own quirky phrases. These days, however, I can’t keep up with her. This morning she informed […]
Sprung forward on my face
daylight savings time has me all messed up!
What we're doing for Advent
Every year since I’ve become a mother, I’ve wanted to start some sort of advent tradition to help prepare the kids to celebrate Jesus. Every year, December has caught me off guard and I haven’t gotten my act together. For the past few years, I’ve followed my friend Jenna‘s ADVENTures on her blog. She and […]
Poof! There goes babyhood
I really can’t believe that it’s December already. This year has been….one to remember. I’d classify this year as the year of impossibles becoming possible for so many reasons. The latest to hit home, was how impossible it seems that my kids aren’t babies anymore. More than that – they aren’t even toddlers. They’re preschoolers. […]
Casting Call
My most recent Florida trip truly is the trip that never ends. It just keeps giving and giving, long after it’s over. One day during our trip, Little Miss and T-Rex were playing and rolling around on the floor, when T-Rex rolled over on Little Miss’s left arm. She fussed and cried for a few […]
It was the day that never ends….
I’m supposed to be sitting around visiting with my dear friends in Florida right now, my dry skin soaking up the humidity re-hydrating my sinuses, while my kids burn off their energy and re-kindle old friendships. Instead, I’m sitting at a Clarion Hotel in Detroit soaking up high speed internet while my kids run around […]