One recent evening, Little Miss was sitting on my lap and we were having a tickle fest. She’s never been one to sit and cuddle; even as a baby she was always on the go, constantly wiggling and moving. So tickling has been our method of “cuddling.” I paused in the tickle fest and began […]
million dollar moments
Blueberries this way
I’m kind of addicted to picking blueberries. And eating them. I’ve gone blueberry picking 3 times this month. I never knew what I was missing! My second blueberry picking trip was with my Mom and Little Miss Sunshine. Unlike our first picking trip, the day was clear and sunny and gorgeous. The blueberries had plumped […]
Sunset Run
The Narrator tried to get me to run with him after we first got married. He tried again a few years later while we both worked at the University. I should have listened. But no, I waited until we have two kids and schedules are complicated to decide to run. When I started running a […]
1,000 Million Dollar Moments
I was standing in line at the grocery store for what felt like forever. I don’t understand why whenever I go to the store there are 23 closed lanes and only 3 open lanes. I leaned on the edge of my cart, my eyes scanning the magazine covers. Rachel Ray’s latest recipes. Oprah’s latest diet. […]