A chuckle to start your day… Yesterday as we were getting out of the car to go into Bible study, Little Miss found a hair clip on the floor and put it in her hair. “Look at my hair now!!” I told her it was beautiful. T-Rex then took his hand and rubbed it on […]
Little Miss Sunshine
Signs of the Times
Now it’s really official. This is what happens when Mommy is sick and trying to get a house ready to sell. Smart kids ask for chocolate pudding for a snack. Pudding is made from milk. Milk has calcium, therefore pudding has calcium! The box said so! (What you don’t see: pudding up to their elbows […]
Too funny not to share!
T-Rex got out of bed and came into our room one morning, and asked me where his favorite blankie was. I told him, “It’s probably still in your bed.” He looked at me and said, “Probly not. I checked.” T-Rex has been practicing saying his first and last name. One night at dinner he was […]
Even the littlest can help
Early in my motherhood, a friend introduced me to the writings of Barbara Curtis – specifically her books on mothering toddlers. Barbara is a mother to 12, and is a trained Montessori teacher. She has a passion for helping moms enjoy and make the most of the precious toddler and pre-school years. I think the […]
Did he come yet?
I was sitting at the table eating lunch with Little Miss Sunshine and T-Rex yesterday when Little Miss suddenly asked, “Has Jesus come back yet?” I love it when she brings up questions about Jesus in conversation. Those are what I call “faith by the way” moments (based on Deuteronomy 6:4-9). Those questions show me […]
Know what? I love you.
It seems to be so often when my kids open their mouths they show me the heart of God in an innocent, pure form that I am able to receive. Most recently, I think I’m seeing a new side of what Jesus meant when He said: “Let the little children come to me, and do […]