Today I’m continuing the theme of holding on to wonder. For all the hard and challenging things we face every day–there’s still so much wonder to behold. I want to hold on to wonder. (This theme is inspired by the Breathe Christian Writers Conference which will be held October 9-10 and is themed “Awaken Your […]
faith in action
3 Things Not to Do While Waiting
What do you do when you’re waiting for something to happen? Last month, after two years of searching – with the last six of those months feeling pretty desperate – I started a part time job I love. As Kedron and I began to discuss the possibility of me going back to work, we had […]
Change(d) by Thanks
Ever had one of those seasons where you feel like everything is falling apart and breaking? Over the past couple months, I think our appliances have formed a coup attempt to throw us back to the 18th century. These things (microwave, washer, vehicle) are major inconveniences, but minor in long-term importance. I try to keep […]
How do I know if God is speaking to me?
“Why can’t we hear God’s voice?” It’s a question my kids ask me on a regular basis. We read stories in the Bible of how God spoke directly to people, and then there’s Jesus teaching the masses in person. It’s hard not to wish we had that kind of audible communion with God today. Yet, […]
3 Ways to Study the Bible Using the Free Resources on Bible Gateway
Have you ever sat down with your Bible and wished you could understand more of what it means? Do you sometimes wonder how the Bible can relate to your life today? Even though I grew up in church, attended a Christian high school, a Christian university, and have read through the Bible cover to cover, […]
Organize Your Prayer Life with Pray A to Z {giveaway}
[pinit] Last fall, I found myself overwhelmed by the needs of the people around me. I tried to pray, but I didn’t even know where to begin. Out of this frustration and desperate prayer for help, Pray A to Z was born. Throughout the fall, brave friends shared their stories with us on tough topics […]