Over the past year, the kids have started doing “song prayers” at bedtime. Little Miss loves to sing, and one evening she asked if she could sing her prayer. It was beautiful, spontaneous and heart-felt. T-Rex will occasionally join in as well. Unscripted singing seems to unleash their little souls of gratefulness with angelic musical […]
faith in action
Wake up with Morning Snuggles
I’m very excited to share with you that I have an article posted on catapultmagazine.com This is the first time ever that I’ve had an article published! I met the great folks from Culture is not Optional at the Festival of Faith and Writing a few weeks ago. They publish Catapult Magazine online every other […]
The Waiting Room
I sometimes see God working in places when I’m completely not expecting it. Like the dentist’s office, when I’m just trying to read a book while patiently waiting my turn. I was there for a consultation visit, to meet the staff and decide if I wanted to make this place my home for dental care. […]
Spring's Arrival
We woke up this morning, and it seemed that overnight the trees have all bloomed. As I headed to the eye doctor (AGAIN), I wanted to get out every block and take pictures. After living in Florida for nearly 6 years, I don’t think I will ever take for granted the beauty of spring and […]
The parenting moments we live for
There are a few moments in parenting time that seems to stand still. It’s like I’m watching things in slow motion, trying to soak up every moment thinking, “THIS is what I’ve been waiting for.” It’s occurred a few times – like when Little Miss had some dental work done and didn’t fuss or shed […]
The Home Stretch
Last fall when I ran my first half marathon, I felt GREAT until mile 11. Something weird hit me at mile 11 that I had never experienced in any of my training. A wave of emotion came over me head to toe, and I suddenly became very nervous and fearful that I wouldn’t finish. My […]