I’m named after my great-grandmother, Mabel Amelia. She passed away the year before I was born, and over the past week I’ve found myself mourning that I never had the chance to know her. I think we would have been friends. She too was a firstborn, and knew how to get things done. My great-grandfather […]
faith in action
Spring is for New Life
Spring’s breaking. Or at least the school calendar says so even if the thermometer doesn’t yet. The sun seems to agree and has graced us with her presence all week long. I’ve been down on my hands and knees squinting at the dirt in my flower beds, and I see bits of green starting to […]
Soul Holes
Little Miss had unzipped her backpack to add one more thing for school the next day when the wailing began. “OH NO!! My bunny! His tail got caught in the zipper and now he has a big hole!” She held the hole-y bunny in one hand and the tail in the other as big tears […]
Who's got your back?
Last Saturday my training buddy, Jen, and I ran our first double digits for the season – 10 miles. Because of the flu, I hadn’t run for a week, and I was a bit nervous. It hurt. But I did it. About mile 7 we were standing on a street corner waiting for our walk […]
But I want something NOW!
Last week T-Rex asked me to knit him a kitty. Because he LOVES kitties. And he only has one (stuffed). And Little Miss has two. And that’s not fair. It just so happened that I had a knitting book from the library and it had a (fairly) easy pattern for a kitty. Naturally. I showed […]
Stumbling in the Dark
I jumped out of bed at the first sound of my name at 3 a.m. I rushed through the hallway toward my four-year-old boy’s bedroom when I suddenly found myself lying on the floor gripping a throbbing shin. Someone had left a large wooden stool in the hallway, and I had tripped over it badly […]