The voice on the other end of the phone grew quiet when I asked about her husband. She was a dear friend and mentor of mine, but we lost touch after I moved 1,200 miles away. I had just caught her up on our life post-move and the news of our first pregnancy. The awkward […]
faith in action
Charlie Sheen and Easter Breakfast
Charlie Sheen is the last topic of conversation I expected to come up over breakfast Easter morning. Yet, that’s exactly what happened. Ked and I were asking the kids questions about Jesus’ death and resurrection as we devoured Resurrection Rolls (which need to be eaten more than just Easter morning). In typical childhood fashion, the […]
Running on E
I have a nasty habit of running my gas tank dry. My husband has resigned himself to the fact that every time he gets in my car, the orange needle will be resting on “E.” Unfortunately, this habit of running on empty doesn’t apply just to my car. Read the rest of the story […]
What's your scent?
14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. 15 For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. 16 To the one […]
When Flaws Might Not Be Flaws
I finally finished the kitty for T-Rex. He hovered over my shoulder while I stitched it closed, and then gave the new kitty a proper welcome complete with a photo shoot. I was happy with it, except for the face. I stitched and re-stitched and stitched again before I decided it just had “character.” I […]
Beauty In The Storm
My parents were visiting last week, and over the weekend we met up with my in-laws at our local botanical gardens. It was a dreary, rainy day and the indoor butterflies and blooms provided a cheery respite from the storm. Near the end of our visit, we were sitting in the hallway when T-Rex kept […]