I spent the morning walking from barn to barn on a dairy farm with Little Miss’s class. It never fails, if there’s a field trip planned, the weather is rotten! My toes should not be cold in the middle of May! Anyway, moving on! So, what do you do with your pain? Do you curl […]
faith in action
When one door doesn't open, knock on the next one
Earlier this spring I heard about a writing/speaking seminar that sounded interesting. The conference was out of state and I knew the only way I could afford to go this year was to receive a scholarship. I applied for two different ones and didn’t even get close. I was pretty discouraged with the results of […]
It's always a matter of life and death part 2
Part 1 I took a deep breath and offered a prayer for help. It was no longer about my time (which was going to be terrible) or how many miles left, but how much life I could live and give in those next five miles. When you hang out in the back of the race, […]
It's always a matter of life and death
Three years ago if you had told me that running 15.6 miles would change my life, I would have replied, “You mean end my life?” I couldn’t run 2 miles nor did I want to. But this past Saturday, I’m glad I ran those 15.6 miles, even though I was sick. I fought a terrible […]
We all wander
We were in the garden section of a home improvement store discussing what type of cherry and apple trees might be best for our yard when Little Miss wandered away. We watched her as she skipped up and down the rows of flowers singing a song, being the star of the show in her head. […]
Dealing With Growth Envy
I came home last weekend from Ohio as green as their grass with envy. Actually, our grass here in Michigan is green, but it’s nearly the only green thing. The trees in my parents’ town are loaded with green leaves, the magnolia trees are covered in dessert plate sized blooms and their gardens are filled […]