My running partner Jen and I recently ran our first trail race. For ten miles, we hopped logs, jumped little streams, dodged rocks and climbed hills. It was the most strenuous and rewarding ten miles I have ever run. Three years ago, I never would have imagined that I could run a race like that […]
faith in action
Speak Up With Confidence
Last month I had the opportunity to attend the Speak Up with Confidence Seminar hosted by Carol Kent and her amazing team. I heard of the seminar from previous attendees and knew it would be an intense week of learning and inspiration. I was not disappointed. In fact, it was hard to say goodbye at […]
Learning to Thin
I planted my first real garden this year, and it’s been quite a learning process. I dutifully planted the seeds and then hovered for a week, wondering if any of them would actually grow. If you recall, Desert Blooms I’m not exactly a green thumb! Read the rest today at Our Circle of Friends
Left for Dead?
Have you ever had something in your life that you thought for sure was dead and then it came back life? We once had a snail in our fish tank that we named Lazarus…after the Biblical man Lazarus that had been dead 3 days and Jesus brought back to life. This snail was flipped […]
This Little Life of Mine
Sometimes we need to take a recess from our own life in order to fully appreciate what we have. Little Miss Sunshine and T-Rex spent the past week with my Mom and Dad in Ohio. They’ve gone to Grandma and Grandpa’s by themselves before, but never for a whole week. It’s the longest we’ve been […]
What my garden is teaching me
I planted my first real garden this past weekend. And I can’t stop fretting over it. I go out at least twice a day and hover over the bare ground searching for signs of life. It rained right after I finished planting and I worried that the seeds all washed away. Or maybe they got […]