In case you missed my previous post about the slant-y, wild 13.1 mile half marathon my running-partner-in-crime Jen and I ran this weekend, you’ll want to read that for a bit of framework for this piece. It. Was. Insane. And I will totally do it again next year, even though it hurts to go up […]
faith in action
My First Circle of Friends
In June, I had the privilege of traveling from Michigan to Ohio for my first in-person Circle of Friends experience. My parents live in Columbus, Ohio, so I left my two kids with Grandma and Grandpa and made the most beautiful, idyllic drive ever to Sugarcreek, Ohio. The road twisted through rolling hills, past quiet […]
Welcome Home Grandpa!
Mother’s Day, May 8, this year, Kedron’s grandfather had a stroke. He was 82. On that Monday, I pulled Little Miss out of school to go to the hospital to see him. A large number of family gathered around his bed to see him before he headed back for surgery. It was risky, and there […]
Speak Up for Hope – with crayons!
I’m always looking for ways my kids can feel like they are a part of our family’s giving. I recently saw on Facebook that Speak Up for Hope is collecting crayons and coloring books for the visitation areas in prisons. Speak Up for Hope is a ministry started by Carol and Gene Kent with the […]
Identifying the Imposters
After reaping the fruits of my garden labor in the form of radishes, I recently set out to thin and weed my row of carrots. I hadn’t gone very far down the row before I encountered a plant that looked like a carrot seedling. I leaned forward on my knees scrutinizing the plant, and was […]
Bountiful Blessings
I’m sitting here waiting for a pot of water to boil so I can start blanching squash from my garden to put in my freezer. What’s that, a watched pot never boils? That’s why I’m sitting here blogging! I entered my first year of gardening with quite a bit of doubt. I wasn’t sure I […]