If you haven’t entered the give away for a piece of jewelry from Inspired Novelties, you still have time! Enter here! I pull remnants of dry, wilted vegetable plants from the garden. Next to me, a grocery bag fills with the last of the season’s tomatoes. On the other side, a black plastic bag bulges […]
faith in action
Help a friend, win jewelry!
One thing that I love, love, love is introducing people to each other and watching God bring their lives together. Two years ago, I attended my very first writing conference. I walked in not knowing a soul, and left with great new friends – including Susie and Lisa. This past April when I returned to […]
3 Tips For Surviving Life Changes
Hello, friends! I hope you had a wonderful August and that as summer closed that you enjoyed many blessings with your family. I can hardly believe that my two little ones bounced onto the bus this morning. Where did the past 7 3/4 years go? More experienced mothers warned me that this day would eventually […]
During a stressful life season a few years back, I had a dream so vivid with a message so strong, I’ve never forgotten it. I walked into a familiar church building for a service. As soon as I passed through the front doors, I heard music thumping through the sound system. As I entered the […]
We all wander
We were in the garden section of a home improvement store discussing what type of cherry and apple trees might be best for our yard when Little Miss wandered away. We watched her as she skipped up and down the rows of flowers singing a song, being the star of the show in her head. […]
Doing Life Together Refreshes Weary Hearts
I don’t ever remember a summer that’s been as dry and hot as this one. Our neighborhood is filled with yard after yard lacking color, drained of life. My life has felt the same way over the past few weeks. Dry. Cracked. Lacking color. Drained of life. I’d been pushing through, reprimanding myself for weeks […]