Thank you all so much for your wonderful suggestions for celebrating the milestone of turning in the final book edits. I loved hearing how you celebrate special events in your lives. I am tucking away all of your ideas for future use! I had a hard time choosing a winner, so I picked two! I […]
faith in action
How do you respond to discipline?
One of my children recently unbuckled the seat belt and opened the car door as I was pulling into a parking spot at the grocery store. I don’t think I’ve ever reacted so quickly and passionately. I can’t even recall what I said. All I know is that my internal organs weren’t in their […]
Don’t climb alone
I’m not that great at asking for help. I’d much rather be the one lending a hand, dropping off a meal, watching kids, and spurring you on to be all that you can be. To allow someone to see that your toilet seats are covered in pee, and smelly laundry is piled up higher than […]
Broken but Beautiful
Monday morning, I stood by the front door and watched four paramedics load my husband into an ambulance. It was one of the scariest days of my life. Kedron’s had trouble with his lower back for years. He herniated a couple disks about five years ago and they occasionally give him trouble. But Monday morning […]
3 ways God’s Word is like a cover crop
A week ago I meandered through my freshly tilled garden with an eight-pound bag of rye seed resting on my hip. I scooped handfuls of the seed and sifted it through my hands watching it drop into the soft, dark earth. This was my first attempt to plant a cover crop for winter. I […]
When life shoots the unexpected in your face
After a day of running errands, I stood in the cosmetics aisle of my grocery store at 3:42 p.m. I had exactly 18 minutes to decide on a lipstick color, checkout, and get home before the school bus arrived. Squatting to get eye level with a row of pink lip colors, I read the labels: […]