The post today is from Brenda Yoder, a friend I met this past summer at the Speak Up Conference. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Brenda, and every time I read her writings, I learn so much. Brenda lives life on a farm in Northern Indiana with her husband and four children, ages ranging from […]
faith in action
Learning to let go
One warm summer day, Little Miss Sunshine asked me if I’d help her learn how to float on her back. Over the past couple summers she’s been eager to learn how to swim, yet she’s much more cautious than T-Rex who thinks he is part fish. She took her arm floaties off and we […]
Doing Life Together – Cindy J.
Today’s guest post is from my friend Cindy Johnston. Cindy is mom to two amazing boys and has been married 16 years to her husband, Bob. When she isn’t working at Ada Bible Church in communications, she is a blogger at, contributing writer for Circle of Friends Ministries, published author at the Burnside Writer’s Collective, […]
One Time I Lost a Cross Country Race – Jessie
This week I’m starting a series called “Doing Life Together.” I’ll be featuring stories of friendship and community. Today I’m excited to welcome my friend Jessie, a fellow writer, seamstress and mom. Her story is the perfect kickoff to the series! Today’s story is a guest post by my friend Jessie at Confessions of a […]
Help wanted: Coffee Break Brigade
Today is November 1. And do you know what that means? In exactly two months Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? Doing life together in an all-about-me kind of world releases! I’m just a little bit excited. Ok, really excited! It was also a year ago that I went for a long run, came […]
Let your colors shine
Over the past week the leaves have saturated the Michigan skyline with rich, brilliant colors. Clouds that taunted us all summer have finally expelled rain, turning the tree trunks black as night. The other day I was standing on the sidewalk admiring the colors of the leaves against the black trunks when the sky turned […]