faith in action
The books are here!
I hope you all had a joyous Christmas with your families! Christmas came early at our house. Last Thursday I came home to this: The books had arrived! Over a year’s worth of work and waiting and waiting some more was wrapped up in those boxes. If you can believe it, I dragged them inside […]
Love one another
Just six days until Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? releases!
Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? The Blog Tour
Coming to a blog near you! Join us for a couple weeks of fun posts from bloggers around the web. They will be sharing thoughts about the book, their own stories about “doing life together,” and interviews with yours truly. Oh, and there will be sweet prizes. Like this: You don’t want to […]
Doing Life Together – Jennifer A.
Today’s post comes from my friend Jennifer Allen. I first met Jennifer when I was a newlywed, when she and her husband Chris had just started dating. Jennifer adores being a mom of two, beautiful girls and has been married to her husband, Chris, for 10 adventurous years. In addition to writing human interest stories […]