faith in action
Creating new habits – Video blog
Summer break has officially begun! This is a great time of year to start new habits and talk about radishes. I mean really, isn’t that a gorgeous radish in the video? Who knew radishes could be so ravishing? The radish analogy came as I was working on a series of garden essays. If you haven’t […]
You are not your numbers
I’m tired of numbers in my face everywhere I turn. As though life and its worth can be reduced to a math equation of greater than or less than, or at the very least, equal to. [pinit] He made you whole. He put the fractions of your soul back together, divided by things that […]
It’s time for a coffee break – avoiding the summer B’s (vlog)
Today, I’m hosting my first ever virtual coffee break! So grab something to drink and let’s chat about how to avoid the sting of the summer “B’s,” not to be confused with “bees.” Join the conversation in the comments below after you watch the video. I’d love to know how you avoid the sting of […]
Drop Everything and Encourage Day (D.E.E.D.)
Welcome to Drop Everything and Encourage Day for June. This happens to be our last week of school (hip-hip-hooray!), and I know that my life is about to enter a whole new season of hectic. We trade one kind of busyness (homework, studying, field trips) for another (trips to the beach, visits with Grandma, summer […]
3 Questions to ask your friends and go deeper
This past weekend I had the privilege of leading a retreat for an incredible group of women. We discussed being real and authentic in our relationships and how that starts with understanding who we are because of God’s love for us. I shared my own testimony of holding people at arm’s length and hiding behind […]