[pinit] The truth is, I’d be lost without our community. Family and friends surrounded us this week in ways that have brought me to tears. Endless texts. Facebook messages. E-mails. Phone calls. Meals. The truth is, we need each other. I don’t know about you, but often I try to act like I have it […]
faith in action
‘Twas the night before cancer surgery {& a Chicken Soup for the Soul giveaway}
[pinit] One of the greatest privileges on earth is the opportunity to care for one another. I think we often forget that. So often, our care for one another feels so small, so insignificant in the scheme of the great world around us. Caring often happens in small, private moments, unseen by the greater world. […]
When your burdens are too heavy to carry
[pinit] Have you read the much-discussed article on Relevant “Yes God will give you more than you can handle“? It’s a thought-provoking read on the oft-quoted phrase “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” How many times have you screamed into the void, “I can’t handle this! It’s too much!” Then a well-meaning […]
When cancer comes to dinner
[pinit] A few weeks ago, we heard the words you never want to hear. You have cancer. Kedron was diagnosed with pappilary thyroid cancer. Thankfully, this is a treatable form of cancer. The doctor looked him in the eyes and said, “We fully expect to cure you.” But it still is cancer. It still changes […]
Following grace
This post is the conclusion to the coffee-soaked computer saga. To catch up, the journey started started when my daughter lefter her hot-pink homework folder at home, and I discovered the power of loving grace in the hallway of an elementary school. (Read the post, Grace on the Floor) The very next day, a curious […]
Beauty from Ordinary
[pinit] There’s a 16 x 20 foot patch of dirt in my backyard that will never win any awards for beauty. It’s ordinary. Rather ugly even. Yet, every year from this plain, ordinary, brown patch of dirt– beauty grows. Not just beauty in the form of plants and blooms – but food that sustains us. […]