The day had not started well. We overslept by a little and I was urging the kids to “hurry, please hurry” as they slurped down soggy cereal and I slapped peanut butter on bread. After quick kisses on rosy cheeks and a happy wave as the yellow bus rolled down the street, I dashed back […]
faith in action
Love Your Ordinary: Backyard Beauty
Congratulations to Ibelisse who won the copy of Carols Kent’s new book Unquenchable! You still have time to enter the giveaway for Susie Finkbeiner’s new novel My Mother’s Chamomile. Enter on this post! [pinit] A walk through our local botanical gardens was just what my winter-weary soul needed a couple weekends ago. As we traipsed […]
Love Your Ordinary: Mercy
Just a reminder that today is the last day to enter the giveaway for a copy of Carol Kent’s new book Unquenchable. Hop over to this post to enter. Today I’m honored to share a guest post from my friend and author, Susie Finkbeiner. She shares today about the ordinary, yet beautiful ways we can […]
Love Your Ordinary: Help
[pinit] Last week, I was stuck in the end of my driveway for 45 minutes. Yes, this was a different situation than the time I left the driveway with a high-fiveing front bumper. For a half hour I alternated between spinning my tires until the air reeked of rubber and hacking away at the ice […]
Learning contentment in the cold
[pinit] I rub my hands together hoping the friction will warm them. The thermostat blinks 70, but I’m freezing.The teakettle heats on a red burner. I wait for the whistle to call me over for a cup of tea. Or hot chocolate. Or maybe just to fill a mug with nothing but hot water. More […]
Love Your Ordinary: Frustrations
Happy Monday! The sun was shining here, which is a beautiful (and not very ordinary) thing. I wanted to share with you a quick update on my husband Kedron. So many of you have been praying for him over the past few months as he went through surgery for thyroid cancer. He had his follow-up […]