Have you entered the drawing yet for a copy of the new book I Like Giving? If not, head back to this post and enter now. You don’t want to miss out on this fantastic book. I have 3 copies up for grabs! [pinit] Going on a family vacation doesn’t have to be an expensive, […]
faith in action
Hope and Help for Hard Times
[pinit] Last October when Kedron was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, I looked at the calendar for fall and spring and prepared to brace myself for a long winter of waiting. I knew we’d be waiting for recovery from surgery. Waiting for results. Waiting to find out treatment options. I figured that by the time spring […]
Cut from the same cloth – embrace your uniqueness
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for two copies of Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Multitasking Mom’s Survival Guide! Have you ever wished you were someone else? Maybe you wish you could be funny like her, or more outgoing like him, or more organized like your neighbor. For years I wished I could be […]
Blurred Vision
[pinit] Dry and itchy eyes remind me that spring is on the way, even if the snow-covered ground insists otherwise. A few years ago, during the annual torture of blinding lights, puffs of air, and dilating drops, the eye doctor took a little stick and flipped my eyelid inside out. That was new. “Hmm…well that’s […]
How Amazing Grace left me pondering
I just finished reading Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the heroic campaign to end slavery, by Eric Metaxes. I’ve always loved history. Stories of our past lend understanding to our present. This story left me pondering, thinking, and praying. I wasn’t ready to leave Wilberforce and the band of brave English abolitionists behind. So I […]
When a pause opens the door
[pinit] This is the conclusion to my last post titled “When Ordinary Pushes You Over the Edge.” The slow-moving semi gave me a few extra minutes to pray as I inched my way to the highway. Rather than rushing, I took slow, deep breaths, praying for help with each exhale. Cancer. Kids. The Unknown. With […]