Congratulations to Susie F. & Andrea V., winners of the U-Neek characters! Summer is flying by! After such a harsh winter, I’m finding the urge to squeeze every possible moment of fun and sunshine into this summer. My blogging will be sporadic the rest of the summer. If you haven’t subscribed by e-mail, please do […]
faith in action
One thing to make a bad situation better
[pinit] Have you ever watched someone take a frustrating, disappointing situation and make it not just good, but great? This week should have been the last week of school. However, the horrible, forever-long winter gifted us with never-ending snow days. Yay. [insert sarcasm] The message came from the superintendent late March. We will be making […]
When the hike is long and hard
[pinit] Last summer we took our first ever family vacation that didn’t involve staying with friends or family. For a week just the four of us explored places 3/4 of us had never been before. (When you grow up spending your summers in a tour bus traveling the country with your family’s ministry, well there […]
Limping to the finish line
[pinit] [tweetherder]Starting things is easy. Finishing sometimes takes everything you’ve got.[/tweetherder] This month, the challenge is to finish the school marathon. We’re at mile 18 – far enough in the race that people are telling you “You’re almost there.” You know the finish line is close, yet you have so far to go. Everything hurts. […]
What my mother taught me about changing the world
[pinit] The news stream surrounding Mother’s Day was overwhelming this year. Over 250 Girls kidnapped in Nigeria and missing for weeks. A college campus shooting an hour from us. Families still waiting for word about their missing loved ones on a Malaysian airplane. If I focused on the stream of news for too long, I […]
The Hard Work of Resting
Congratulations to the 3 winners of the I Like Giving books: Patty, Rachel S, and Creagon. I’ll be e-mailing you all soon. Thank you to everyone who entered! I wish I had more books to give away. Be sure to check out I Like Giving: The Transforming Power of a Generous Life on Amazon or […]